ICON - Principal or Leadership Appointments ICON - Principal or Leadership Appointments

Principal Appointments

May 30, 2023


May 30, 2023

Principal Appointments

The Quesnel School District is pleased to announce the following appointments effective August 1, 2023.

Principal – Voyageur Elementary

Ms. Jan Bauer has been appointed as principal of Voyageur Elementary School.    Ms. Bauer has served as the principal of Dragon Lake Elementary since 2013 and was previously the principal of Parkland Elementary as well as the district principal of the International Student Program.

Ms. Bauer holds a Masters of Education in Administration and Leadership.

Ms. Bauer will be replacing Mr. Grant Colegate who has decided to return to full-time teaching in the district.

Principal – Dragon Lake Elementary

Mr. Bhupinder Mattoo has been appointed as principal of Dragon Lake Elementary School.  Mr. Mattoo is currently working as a principal in Tumbler Ridge and was previously a principal in Skownan, Manitoba and Inuvik, Northwest Territories as well as a teacher in the Surrey School District and for the Government of Nunavut.

Mr. Mattoo is currently enrolled in the Athabasca University’s Masters of Education in Online, Distance and Digital Education program.

Mr. Mattoo will be replacing Ms. Jan Bauer who has been appointed as principal of Voyageur Elementary.

Principal – Barlow Creek Elementary

Ms. Nancy Danuser has been appointed as principal of Barlow Creek Elementary School.  Ms. Danuser has served as the principal of Kersley Elementary since 2020 and prior to that was the vice-principal of Lakeview Elementary School.

Ms. Danuser holds a Masters of Education in Special Education Degree.

Ms. Danuser will be replacing Ms. Diane Smith who is retiring from the district.

Principal – Carson Elementary & Wells-Barkerville Elementary Schools

Ms. Ashleigh Desbiens has been appointed as principal of Carson Elementary and Wells-Barkerville Elementary Schools.  Ms. Desbiens has served as the vice-principal of École Red Bluff Lhtako Elementary since 2021 and prior to that was a teacher in the district since 2011.

Ms. Desbiens is currently enrolled in the Masters of Education program with Thompson Rivers University.

Ms. Desbiens will be replacing Ms. Robyn Anderson who has been appointed as the district principal of support services.

For more information, please contact:

Dan Lowndes, Superintendent                               Jennifer Woollends, Secretary-Treasurer

SD28 Quesnel                                                            SD28 Quesnel

250-992-8802/ danlowndes@sd28.bc.ca            250-992-8802/ jenniferwoollends@sd28.bc.ca

Tony Goulet, Board Chairperson                         

SD28 Quesnel


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