Education Resources
BC Curriculum
At the heart of British Columbia’s redesigned curriculum are the literacy and numeracy foundations, essential learning, and Core Competencies.

K-12 Reporting
In 2016 the Ministry of Education and Child Care began implementing a redesigned provincial curriculum that is flexible, focuses on literacy, numeracy, and the First Peoples Principles of Learning, and supports deeper learning through concept-based and competency-driven education. This educational shift to how and what students learn in the classroom requires a corresponding change to student reporting policies and practices.

SOGI 123
SOGI 1 2 3 Parent Resources were created in collaboration with BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC) and the BC Ministry of Education to answer parent questions about what SOGI-inclusive education looks like in Canadian schools. Use the complementary presentation and facilitator's guide to learn with your parent community.