French Immersion
French Immersion is available from K - 12 in Quesnel School District #28. The accepted entry level for students into the Early French Immersion program is Kindergarten or Grade one.
SD28 Schools offering French language instruction:
- École Red Bluff Lhtako Elementary (Grades K-7)
- Quesnel Junior School (Grades 8-9)
- Correlieu Seconday (Grades 10-12)
In the elementary portion of this program, students receive instruction in all areas of the curriculum in French from Kindergarten through Grade 2. English Language Arts instruction is added incrementally beginning in Grade 3.
At the secondary level, Immersion students continue to participate in a French Language Arts (FRAL) course each year, as well as certain other required elements in French, such as Sciences Humaines (Social Studies) through Grade 11, Sciences de la Nature (Science) through grade 9, and Arts Mediatiques 11 (Film and Television 11). Students completing this program develop oral and written fluency in French and are entitled to receive a French Immersion Dogwood (often referred to as a double Dogwood) upon successful completion of Grade 12.
- SD28 Francais Formidable
- Canadian Parents for French https://bc-yk.cpf.ca/en/ or https://cpf.ca/en/
- Learning in French Together